'My Dream' & The University of Edinburgh

Three weeks ago, I received an invitation for a short session about the University of Edinburgh at Hilton Hotel PJ. The talk will be held on 2nd April. So I decided to attend the session together with my wife. We came a bit late that day; we were there at 2.30 pm while the session was started at 2.00 pm. The presentation was done by Kylie Cooke an international officer who representing the University of Edinburgh. It was a very informative talk, and it answered all of my queries inside my mind before.

Alhamdulillah, finally I got the unconditional offer of admission on 22nd February 2011. I firmly accepted the offer, and I'm waiting for a joining instruction pack from them, according to Miss Cooke, she explained that the official offer letter would be starts distributed to all students at the end of July. The news relieves me, now I know that I'm still on track.
Above all happen during the session, meeting some friends who will be pursuing their study at the same university was the best moment. Coincidently, he also got JPA scholar too. He boosts my confidence. There are many things can be shared along this process. At least, we can arrange our journey to Edinburgh together.
*Thank you Malaysia - I will try my best and be the best among them, insyaAllah.
by firrbudi @ TIMA : 4th April 2011


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