Karya Inovasi oleh 'SANGIT SELAMAT' (Innovation Works by 'SANGIT SELAMAT')

Karya Inovasi oleh 'SANGIT SELAMAT'
(Innovation Works by 'SANGIT SELAMAT')

Kereta Sorong Kayu (A wooden wheelbarrow)
100% Recycled Materials

Sistem Penuaian Air Hujan (Rain Water Harvesting System)
100% Recycled Materials 

Kereta Sorong Serba Guna (Multi Purpose Wheelbarrow)
100% Recycled Materials

Tombol Pintu (Door Knob)
100% Recycled Materials

Bukaan Cahaya Langit (Skylight)
100% Recycled Materials

Kekisi Tingkap (Window Grill)
100% Recycled Materials

Rehal Berdiri (Standing 'Rehal' for Reading Purposes)
100% Recycled Materials

Peti Surat (Post Box)
100% Recycled Materials

Mercun Kitar Semula (Recyclable Firework)
100% Recycled Materials

Kerusi Roda (Wheelchair)
100% Recycled Materials

Inilah ketua penyelidik yang telah menghasilkan berpuluh-puluh hasil karya inovasi. Apa yang dipaparkan di sini hanyalah sebahagian kecil hasil kerja yang masih wujud dan boleh dilihat sehingga kini. Karya inovasi beliau tidak hanya berkisar berkaitan pertukangan kayu malah menjangkau kepada peralatan elektrik pelbagai guna yang telah rosak dan dimusnahkan. Salah satu peralatan elektrik ciptaan beliau yang masih segar dalam ingatan penulis adalah 'Lampu Belajar Berkipas' khas digunakan ketika bekalan elektrik terputus. Ianya sangat membantu penulis untuk menyiapkan kerja-kerja sekolah diwaktu ketiadaan bekalan kuasa elektrik. Peralatan tersebut dijana menggunakan bateri kereta dan diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan terbuang sepenuhnya seperti lampu suluh, mentol kereta, motor radio tape dan lain-lain lagi.

Moral: Untuk menjadi kreatif bukan bererti memerlukan pendidikan yang tinggi, tetapi cukup berbekalkan dengan idea yang kreatif dan berfikir secara kreatif bagi merealisasikan idea kreatif tersebut.

(This is the lead researcher who has produced dozens of works of innovation. What is shown here are just a small part of the works that still exist and can be seen up to now. His works were not only about innovation related to carpentry, but electrical appliances that were damaged and destroyed. One of his creations of electrical equipment that is still fresh in the writer’s memory was a ‘study lamp with fan' typically used during an outage. It really helped me to complete my school work during the absence of electrical power supply. The equipment was powered using a car battery and was made of fully recyclable materials such as flashlight, car bulb, motor tape radio and many others. 

Moral: To be creative does not mean that higher education is needed, but enough with creative ideas and creative thinking in order to realize it.)

Firrbudi aka Lensahijau : 28 April 2016


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